Getting Started with Your Deferred Sales Trust
Can I have my tax advisor or attorney speak with the DST Attorneys regarding the Deferred Sales Trust strategy?
When the trust sells the property may I keep some of the cash from the sale?
Can the DST be canceled before my note matures and the funds are sent to me?
What happens if capital gain tax rates are changed after I set up the DST?
I have a mortgage over basis, can you help?
Does the trust need to be set up before closing of escrow?
Does the Deferred Sales Trust defer capital gains taxes on carried interest?
The current tax code took away 1031 rights to personal property such as private aircraft, art, and other capital gains tax-related personal property; would this strategy work on something like a private aircraft as well as other personal p
What companies, businesses, or brands have closed or helped their clients close a Deferred Sales Trust?